Saturday, 7 July 2012

nothing is impossible

7/7/2012.. i can't believe i had already done the interview at Sapura Secured Network. yes, it's a bit though. first, they gave me a simple english test. it's not that simple because they used bombastic words. after a few minutes, they call me into a room. there's a huge round table, and i saw 3 person ready to screw me up. hehehe. i thought it will be a disaster because early that night, i can't even sleep. i was too nervous and felt that my preparation is not enough. i was just hoping the miracle could happened. first thing they ask me, is introduction of myself. i bring my thesis, they read it. All right, brb tomorrow. i'm too tired telling this bed time story. and i'm pretty sure u guys don't want to waste your time reading my blog.

the thing is that i'm bored and i just can't stop thinking about mr. h. hope he's ok over there.

lucky i'm in love with my best friend :)

Monday, 2 July 2012

ada apa dengan bola?

hai maya. lama gila tak update blog. sorry, aku busy (busy konon...pirahhh!!)
hari ni, 2/7/2012, kalau korang minat bola mesti korang tau kan sape yg menang? 4-0 tu... tahniah spain kerana berjaga membelasah pasukan italy. cian italy. sobs3. aku sokong italy sbb spain kalahkan portugal. haaaa, CR encem tu. walaupun tempat aku tgk bola td tak sebest mana, aku suke je. sbb tgk ramai2. ckp pasal ramai2, mula lah aku teringat kwn2 kt utem. huuuuu, pilu2. rindu zaman blaja dulu, bgn pagi2 ciap2 pegi kelas. siapkan assignment sampai pukul 3 pagi. makan megi tiap2 hari. fuhhhh, rindu2! baru seminggu aku dok uma, dah rasa bosan semacam dah. mane taknye, tiap2 hari aku melepet dpn tv dok tgk spongebob je. tido lmbt. lepas tu pk ape lah aku nak buat ni. ahhhh, bosan2. nasib ada kawan2 kt sini. leh jgk teman2 aku hilangkan rasa boring. tp mmg patut aku tak join GLAD tu pon, lama sgt. n aku maleh gilo nak packing brg. kihkihkih. okay lah, dah subuh dah ni. gua kena gerak. babai maya.